Aluminum Profiles

Happy New Year 2024

six metal aluminium and metal products manufacturere wholesale extrusion profiles happy new year 2024

Happy New Year 2024 from Six Metal!

As we step into 2024, all of us at Six Metal are filled with gratitude and excitement. The past year has been a journey of innovation, growth, and strengthening relationships with our clients.

2023: A Year of Milestones

* We expanded our range of aluminium profiles, offering our clients more versatility and customized solutions.

* Six Metal has been honoured with the ‘Top 1000 Metal Exporters Award’ by the IDDMIB. This accolade is a testament to our consistent and innovative efforts in the metal industry.

* We strengthened our supply chains, ensuring more efficient and timely deliveries to our clients globally.

2024: A Vision for Sustainability and Growth

This year, our focus is on sustainable innovation. We’re exploring eco-friendly manufacturing processes to reduce our environmental footprint.

Customer satisfaction remains at the forefront. We’re implementing new technologies for enhanced product quality and customer service.

We look forward to expanding our reach and bringing Six Metal’s aluminium profiles to new markets and industries.

A Note of Gratitude

* A heartfelt thank you to our amazing team for their dedication and hard work.
* To our clients and partners, your trust and collaboration have been invaluable.

Here’s to a year filled with growth, innovation, and success. Let’s make 2024 a landmark year for Six Metal and the aluminium industry!

Stay tuned for exciting updates and developments.